Valdieri is located in Valle Gesso.
Valle Gesso is a world to be discovered and appreciated, in all seasons, in winter, for the snow, in spring, for the wonderful awakening of nature that gives us surprising _cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_panoramas and glimpses with shades that vary according to of the intensity of the natural _cc781905-bblux-3194b-136bad in summer, more pleasant than ever, as it is rarely really hot; in autumn the preparation of nature for the arrival of winter, gives us mountains rich in the different colors of the trees.
You can take walks, or challenging walks, towards the refuges and towards the peaks of the Maritime Alps.
Valle Gesso is in fact an embrace between reality, more properly Piedmontese, and the marine one that here has the name of Mercantour. With Valdieri you cross the Côte d'Azur passing in winter, through the skiing possibilities of Limone Piemonte.
... then Welcome!